Peggy van der Kreeft
Deutsche Welle, Innovation Manager, New Media

Peggy van der Kreeft is an innovation manager at the Deutsche Welle New Media Innovation Department. After a career in mediamonitoring, she joined Deutsche Welle to work on the management of EU co-funded R&D projects at this German international broadcaster. She has been involved in a wide range of projects, including projects on visual analysis for mobile technologies (MCAST, C-MOBILE, C-CAST), interactive TV (I-TV), machine translation and text analysis (CoSyne) and enhanced video and audio analysis with the recently finished AXES project. She is currently active in projects on second-screen technologies and content syndication (SAM), and digital journalistic storytelling (EUMSSI). With a Master’s Degree in languages and teaching, she focuses her project work on the area of multilinguality and information retrieval.

Presentation abstract

The importance of language technologies in a broader journalism context is sketched. As Deutsche Welle publishes in 30 languages, multilinguality is obviously a key factor.  Advanced technologies on machine translation, automated speech recognition, monitoring of multilingual sources, user-generated content and data journalism help innovate the broadcasting industry. A better and broader service to the end user, a richer knowledge base and an enhanced production flow are some of the results.